Falling for Orange

falling for orange

Falling for Orange Image

When the air turns chilly and the leaves turn the colors of flame: that’s when your skin cries out for defense against the elements. You need a healing boost of moisture and a renewal of radiance. We’ve got just the thing for a fresh spin on fall.

Our autumn potion features favorites of the season like virgin pumpkin seed oil (the next “it” ingredient in health and nutrition) and maple syrup: both are rich in immune-boosting zinc and chock-full of antioxidants. Next comes grapefruit seed oil to condition and balance your skin. And we’ve added a citric powerhouse, orange essential oil, that provides tons of benefits for body and soul: this energizing oil brightens the skin, lifts the spirit and promotes relaxation. Rumor has it that this stimulating aroma acts as an aphrodisiac … but we make no such claims!

Available as a full-size 4 oz. bar.

pumpkin & orange
ingredients: virgin pumpkin seed oil, maple syrup, grapefruit seed oil, coconut oil, vitamin E oil, orange essential oil, carrot seed oil.

Falling for Orange